ASD Diagnostic Assessment

There are a different diagnostic tools to assess Autism. I use the ADOS, ADI-r or the DISCO in my clinic. The diagnostic tool used will depend on the complexity of each case and I can talk through these with you in our initial assessment.

I use a range of screening tools, these include, the Empathy quotient (EQ) and Autism quotient (AQ)

Please click here for more information on ADHD Assessment.

Diagnostic Assessment Process

The length of time for a diagnostic assessment can vary depending on the complexity of the case. It is likely the individual will need to have 2 – 3 appointments with me so I can obtain their experiences and accounts of their life. However, assessments can be completed in a morning or afternoon.

For further information on the assessment process please do not hesitate to contact me.

Report and Findings

Findings and conclusions are explained in detail. The services needed are discussed with the person, or their parents or carers (if consent given from adult).

There is plenty of time for discussion around the findings. Questions about coping with behaviour and different interventions are frequent.

It is possible to give some general advice, but referrals are made back to local services and to the network of the national and local autistic societies for specific help.

Reports with findings and recommendations are written and drafts are sent to parents or carers of children for whom they are legally responsible.

In the case of adult referrals, individual decisions have to be made, because reports may contain information from sources other than the parents themselves.

The final reports are sent to the General Practitioner if consent for this is obtained from the client.


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17b Bluehouse Lane



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24-25 St Thomas Street




Dr Maria Limited - registered in England and Wales 10283299

Contact details:

Jane Hill, Private Secretary

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