Organisational Consultancy
What Can Organisational Consultancy Add?
- Improve workplace moral and efficiency
- Enhance performance in teams and improve outcome
- Organisational Consultancy rooted in evidenced based Psychology
- Applied Psychology methods to enhance your team, including strategic and operational levels.
- Working virtually and face to face alongside individuals and selected teams
Dr Daves has expertise in coaching those with ADHD and those on the Neurodiversity Spectrum: who are often working in the Corporate world and in leadership role
Dr Maria Daves has expertise in Organisational Consultancy and Psychology. She has demonstrated experience applying psychological principles to enhance leadership, emotional intelligence, better team working, team well-being and developing neurodiversity skills and inclusion.
Dr Daves supported professionals with effective leadership team working for positive change within the NHS, private and third-party sectors. To further develop her applied psychology skill set, she is studying an MA in Consulting and Leading in Organisations with the renowned Tavistock Institute.
Why is Organisational Consultancy important?
Organisational consultancy is in high demand due to its benefits to help shift change and the impact of COVID-19 has introduced a strong burning platform for change in many unforeseen areas with many organisations.
Teams and individuals have struggled and/or have been simply unable to cope with the pace of change they have encountered. Organisations have been forced to do business differently and, with most staff required to work remotely or from home, business processes have had to change rapidly in order for organisations to survive.
Evidence illustrates that good working practices, such as, working flexibly, good management, and work-life balance are fundamental to both wellbeing, better productivity and improve margins in the workplace, and it can also be good for creativity, innovation, on-the-job learning and effective team working. The best ideas do not always come from the top, and careful discussions with employees and teams enables employers to ascertain the workforce’s requirements for realistic change, particularly during these uncertain times.
The Approach: How does it work?
Dr Daves engages employees to understand and think about their behaviour by addressing the underlying problematic dynamics, and it this has measurable benefits for organisational performance.
This approach is highly specialist and involves going beneath the surface to the unconscious processes and discovering what is driving the problem, instead of addressing those surface levels issues through ‘Pop Psychology approaches” which only provides a short-term plaster approach.
Dr Daves can help individuals and teams to embrace their special skillsets, especially those personalities with ADHD and unique personality traits, which can enhance an organisations performance.
What is the Process:
Once contact is initially made, Dr Daves will arrange an appointment meet with you to discuss the challenges you are experiencing in your organisation
A contract will be arranged to identify the area/s that require focus
Dr Daves will conduct a Need Analysis; this may involve working with a team and individuals using individual sessions or focus groups to gather further information on the underlying problems. Dr Daves may need to liaise with HR and others to gather further information if necessary. This will be completed with the strictest confidentiality.
Dr Daves will meet with you to highlight the identified themes and devise a planned intervention to help address the presenting issues.
Dr Daves and you will monitor the ongoing issues and have meetings to identify any changes.
Methods of communication: Face to face or virtually.
Current Offer:
An advantageous discounted priced package is currently available which will have substantial benefits to your organisation, such as, improve team dynamics, understanding leadership better, improve productivity and efficiency.